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What level should my swimmer be in?Preschool classes: For kids ages 3-5. Participants should register for a level based on their ability. See Preschool Overview for details. Swimmer classes: For kids ages 6+. Participants should register for a level based on their ability. See Swimmer Overview for details. Swim Patrol classes: For advanced swimmers who have passed Swimmer 6 (or equivalent). They can move to the Swim Patrol classes at any age. Bronze Medals courses: For advanced swimmers, ages 12+, who want to become a lifesaver. Are these documents hard to read? This is as big as we could make them in this answer section. Click on the documents at the bottom of the FAQ page to see a larger version.
We took swimming lessons somewhere else before, how do those levels transfer to this program?If your swimmer was registered in a Red Cross program, take a look at their previous report card to see if they completed or incompleted the level they were registered in and follow the chart below. Our lessons are similar to the Red Cross program, but with an emphasis on swimming in open water (like lakes) rather than still water (like pools). The Lifesaving Society lessons focus on 'swimming to survive'. Is this documents hard to read? This is as big as we could make it in this answer section. Click on the documents at the bottom of the FAQ page to see a larger version.
What happens if it is storming during one or more of the lessons?If it is raining: in-water lessons will take place, as normal. Everyone will just be...more wet? So, same same. If it is thundering or lightning: for the safety of swimmers and our swim squad, everyone will be required to be out of the water for 30 minutes from the last time thunder or lightening is seen or heard. In this case, classes will take place on-land until it is safe to re-enter the water and continue or start in-water lessons. We may relocate lessons to a more dry space, if available.
What is your refund policy?We understand that plans change, and things happen. We will provide: 100% refund for cancellations 10 days prior to the first day of the registered class, 75% refund for cancellations 9 days prior to the first day of the registered class, and any days on from there. No refund will be given on or after the start date of the registered program.
What should we bring to our lessons?Participants should wear their swim suit to the beach (change at your camp site) and bring a towel. Its also suggested that sunscreen is applied to swimmers more than 30 minutes before their lesson (and we like stuff that's environmentally friendly because the environment is important, we want to keep swimming in the lake). Oh, and a full water bottle is great, too! If swimmers find the natural water temperature is just too cold for them, they are more than welcome to wear a water shirt or rash guard. We want everyone to be in the water, moving and learning. Cold water is a large barrier to participation in outdoor lessons, however, we discourge wetsuits. Althought they are warm, they also add bouyancy to the swimmer and give a false sense of ability. We want swimmers to work with their own ability. It's one of the ways we help swimmers make it to complete their: Swim to Survive Standard. But with that being said, wet suits are okay if it's the only way to get your child in the water and start learning to swim! We discourge swimmers from bringing or wearing goggles during lessons. We do teach our swimmers how to prepare and be safe around the water, but we also teach them how to 'Swim to Survive'. Incase they ever fall into water unexpectedly, without their goggles to shield them: we want their skill level to be unaffected by a piece of equipment.
Where are the lessons taught?All lessons are taught at the public beach inside the regional park. Lessons are taught inside the swimming-only buoys, and within our own floating boundry marks. Look out for our logo to find our meeting spot on the beach, to find your class and instructor. Swim Safe, 306! Tip to stay safe while waiting for lessons to start: Keep your eye on those little ones when you get to the beach! Preschoolers (well, all ages, too) dart away so quickly, and the water is a pretty dangerous place, especially with variable weather and bottom conditions (you know: sand castles as tripping hazards; the wind taking our toy away).
What effect has COVID-19 had on lessons?As COVID-19 is still a threat in our province, we are going to try our best to keep everyone healthy. 1. Screening will occur for signs or symptoms, or contact of COVID-19, and anyone answering yes to those questions will be restricted from participation. 2. As masks will not be permitted in the water, swimmers are encouraged to physically distance themselves from from others. 3. Lesson equipment will be limited to reduce contact between participants. 4. All participants are recommended to wash their hands frequently and to not share objects with those outside their social circles.
More information about 'hands-on' lessons.With the lifting of the Saskatchewan Public Health Orders in regards to COVID-19 On July 11, 2021 and in consultation with the Saskatchewan Lifesaving Society we will not require a guardian to enter the water with their swimmer. This means that our instructor's will be conducting hands-on lessons. Our instructors will: - be physically supporting children during assisted items, - engaging in physical corrections when needed, and - ultimately be within 2m of their swimmers, so physical distancing will not be maintained. We do want everyone to not only be safe, but feel safe too. So, as we are not requiring guardian's to enter the water, we are still giving guardian's the option to enter the water and engage in lessons with their swimmer(s), if they choose. Choosing to enter the water with your swimmer will help to keep your bubble intact and assist in preventing the spread of COVID-19, if a case should arise. For any families that decide they want to participate in lessons, but want our instructors to be 'hands-off': - please let us know when you arrive to your first lesson that you will be joining us for a 'hands-off' lesson, - a guardian will be required to be in the water with swimmers, - we will maintain a 2m distance from both swimmer and guardian, - we will try to ensure that other swimmers maintain a 2m distance from the swimmer and their guardian, - the guardian will be the instructor's 'hands', assisting when needed and helping to make physical corrections, and - the instructor will only physically engage with the student and their guardian in the case of an emergency. We want to ensure your safety, and ours too (which keeps you safe - it's a cycle)! Since we will see many new and unknown faces each week, we want to keep ourselves healthy, in order to: Prevent The Spread!
For information on which level to register in, click on the images below:
Preschool Overview

Swimmer Overview

Red Cross

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