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Lifesaving Society National Lifeguard

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Although we cannot offer National Lifeguard at the lake, because it's a pool specific course, we can work with aquatic facilities to schedule a course at their pool.                   if you are interested in setting up an original or recertification Lifesaving Society National Lifeguard course at your facility. 

Our National Lifeguard Instructor has been teaching since 2013 and has taught over 200 new and recertifying lifeguards in Saskatchewan. 

Requirements to offer a original/full National Lifeguard course:

Pool Facility - 25m lap pool; main depth 1-1.5 m; deep end minimum 1.5m up to 3m. 

Classroom - within two blocks of the pool; indoors with washroom; minimum 1.4 square meters (15 sq.ft.) of floor spacer per person; whiteboard preferred.

Candidates - minimum six registered lifeguard candidates, maximum 12 lifeguard candidates, 100% attendance and participation required. 

Note about the following equipment: We can provide the required equipment upon request. 

CPR Equipment - minimum one CPR manikin per two lifeguard candidates; one CPR facemask per lifeguard candidate; one box of medium gloves; one box of extra large gloves; minimum AED Trainer. 

Equipment - minimum 3 guard tubes, 20 lb (9kg) object, practice spineboard, demo or practice first-aid.kit.

Course Length - 43-45 hours of class time (ie breaks and lunch are extra time) over the course of five or more days

Schedule Examples:

a) one week, Monday-Friday, nine hours of class per day

b) two weekends, Friday-Sunday, 22.5 hours of class per weekend

c) ten weeks, one day per week, 4.5 hours of class per day

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